‘The working class must prepare for a general strike’
Munyaradzi Gwisai of the International Socialist Organisation (ISO) in Zimbabwe was a former MDC MP for Highfield in Harare. He spoke to us on Monday of this week about the questions facing the opposition
‘It is really exciting that the ruling Zanu-PF party is being challenged, and that the workers and the poor in Zimbabwe have dared to reject its policies.
But it is worrying how passive the opposition MDC is being in presenting the election results. The announcement of more victories could mobilise people to support them.
The working class has overwhelmingly supported Morgan Tsvangirai and the MDC. Robert Mugabe has been beaten – but people now need to demand that he steps down.
There is a big problem with the attitude of the opposition leadership. Remember how the people in Kenya came out onto the streets when they heard about the ballot being stolen? We need to do that too.
But once the Kenyan people were marching, their leaders had no strategy to challenge the police and the army. People were led off into ethnic disputes and the momentum was lost.
The only force that can defend the ballot result is the working class. I’m afraid that if people put their hopes in the MDC, Mugabe will get away with it.
The working class must prepare for a general strike to challenge any attempt by Mugabe to stay in power.’
The following should be read alongside this article:» Revolt from below threatens Mugabe’s stranglehold on Zimbabwe
» Mixed loyalties of the MDC opposition
» A long history of British betrayals in Zimbabwe